Decoding Brilliance: Unraveling the Difference Between VVS and VS Diamonds

In the radiant realm of diamonds, clarity is a defining factor that contributes to the mesmerizing beauty of these precious gems. Very, Very Slightly Included (VVS) and Very Slightly Included (VS) are two prominent clarity grades, each bearing its own allure and characteristics. Diamocycle invites you on a journey to explore the intricate differences between VVS and VS diamonds, delving into the nuances that make each grade a unique facet of the diamond spectrum.

1. Clarity Grading Overview:

  • Clarity grades, established by renowned institutions like the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), assess the presence of inclusions and blemishes within a diamond.
  • The clarity scale ranges from Internally Flawless (IF) to Included (I3), with VVS and VS occupying the upper echelons of clarity.

2. VVS Defined:

  • VVS stands for Very, Very Slightly Included, indicating minuscule inclusions that are nearly imperceptible even under 10x magnification.
  • VVS diamonds are further classified into VVS1 (slightly higher clarity) and VVS2.

3. VS Defined:

  • VS stands for Very Slightly Included, denoting inclusions that are noticeable under 10x magnification but are typically invisible to the naked eye.
  • Like VVS, VS diamonds are divided into two subcategories: VS1 and VS2.

4. VVS Inclusions:

  • In VVS diamonds, inclusions are extremely minor and often consist of tiny crystals, clouds, or other natural characteristics.
  • These inclusions are usually positioned in areas that are challenging to detect, preserving the overall brilliance of the diamond.

5. VS Inclusions:

  • VS diamonds have slightly more noticeable inclusions, which may include crystals, feathers, or other features.
  • These inclusions may be visible under magnification but are generally considered insignificant to the unaided eye.

6. Clarity Impact on Brilliance:

  • VVS diamonds, with their minimal inclusions, allow light to pass through unobstructed, enhancing brilliance.
  • VS diamonds, while still highly brilliant, may exhibit slightly less clarity due to the presence of more visible inclusions.

7. Price Considerations:

  • VVS diamonds are generally more expensive than VS diamonds due to their rarer and higher clarity.
  • The price difference can be significant, especially in larger carat weights.

8. Size Perception:

  • In the same carat weight, VVS diamonds may appear slightly larger than VS diamonds because of their minimal inclusions and enhanced brilliance.

9. Inclusions and Certification:

  • Both VVS and VS diamonds come with certifications that detail the nature and location of inclusions.
  • These certificates, often provided by reputable organizations like the GIA, are crucial for transparency and value assessment.

10. Ethical Sourcing:

  • Diamocycle places a strong emphasis on ethically sourcing both VVS and VS diamonds, ensuring that each gem meets rigorous standards of social and environmental responsibility.

11. Popular in Fine Jewelry:

  • Both VVS and VS diamonds are popular choices for engagement rings and other fine jewelry pieces, offering a balance between brilliance and value.

12. Fluctuations in Inclusion Visibility:

  • The visibility of inclusions can vary even within the same clarity grade. Factors like the type of inclusion, its location, and the diamond’s cut influence visibility.

13. Impact on Resale Value:

  • VVS diamonds generally retain a higher resale value compared to VS diamonds, reflecting their rarity and enduring appeal.

14. Customization Possibilities:

  • Both VVS and VS diamonds provide a range of customization possibilities, allowing buyers to choose based on personal preferences, budget, and desired characteristics.

15. Clarity and Fancy Colors:

  • Clarity considerations extend to fancy colored diamonds. Both VVS and VS grades are relevant when assessing the overall quality of colored diamonds.

16. Inclusion Mapping Technology:

  • Advanced technologies, such as inclusion mapping, aid in understanding the exact nature and position of inclusions in both VVS and VS diamonds.

17. VVS and VS in Antique Jewelry:

  • Both VVS and VS diamonds are featured in antique and vintage jewelry, reflecting the enduring popularity of these clarity grades throughout history.

18. Personal Preference:

  • Choosing between VVS and VS often comes down to personal preference. Some may prioritize absolute clarity, while others may find the balance offered by VS diamonds more appealing.

19. Investment Considerations:

  • VVS diamonds are often considered excellent investments due to their rarity, but VS diamonds can also serve as valuable assets in a diversified portfolio.

20. The Diamocycle Assurance:

  • Diamocycle ensures that every VVS and VS diamond in its collection meets the highest standards of quality, transparency, and ethical sourcing.


As you embark on the journey of selecting the perfect diamond, understanding the distinctions between VVS and VS grades becomes an essential part of your exploration. Diamocycle, with its commitment to excellence, invites you to explore the world of diamonds where each grade, each inclusion, and each facet contributes to the timeless allure of these precious gems. Whether you’re drawn to the near-perfection of VVS or the balanced brilliance of VS, your journey with Diamocycle promises a masterpiece that reflects your unique taste and style.
